Specialist Academic Networks

Claimed from Stationers Hall – funded by RSE, lead research Karen McAulay (RSC), research into Scottish music copyright collections and music publishing activity in Scotland in the 18th and early 19th centuries.

Collected Works of Allan Ramsay – AHRC project investigating the many editions of Ramsay’s poetic works, including his impact on Scottish song; other resources relevant more generally to the cultural of Enlightenment Scotland.

Cultural History of Glasgow Research Network – led by musicologist Dr Elaine Moohan (OU) – many aspects of Glaswegian cultural life including music, encourages contact from non-professional researchers and community education and outreach.

Eighteenth-Century Arts Education Research Network (project activity funded 2017-2019) – research into in arts education, including music tuition, in this period.

Reviving the Trinity – blog and network hosted by the University of Edinburgh and led by Jill Harrison (Open University), with Drs James Cook, Lizzie Swarbrick and Amy Hayes; researching the cultural activities connected with Trinity Collegiate Church and Trinity Hospital (Edinburgh), including 15th century Trinity Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes, depicting an image of an early organ.

Romantic National Song Network – funded by the RSE, BL, RCS – based with in the Centre for Robert Burns Studies at the University of Glasgow (2017-19) – ‘national song’ in Scotland and Ireland, 1750-1850.

TRACS – Traditional Arts & Culture Scotland – includes the Scottish Story Telling Forum, Scottish Traditional Music Forum, and the Traditional Dance Forum of Scotland – useful resource listings of societies, institutions and activists